This page contains all necessary information regarding enrolment at Mater Dei School, including the Mater Dei School Enrolment Package.


School Enrolment Package

Please Click Here to download the Mater Dei School Enrolment Package.

Enrolments to Mater Dei School are now OPEN. To submit your child's Enrolment Application, please provide the completed Enrolment forms, along with all supporting documentation, to the Mater Dei School Office during school hours. Please note Enrolment Applications close on Monday, 7 April 2025.


Enrolment Timeline


Enrolment Information Session and Enrolment Open Day

Each year we host an Enrolment Information Session (for Parents and Carers) and our Enrolment Open Day to provide parents and families a unique insight into life at Mater Dei School. This is a fantastic opportunity for prospective families who are considering enrolling a child at Mater Dei School to experience all that our evidence and research-based educational practices have to offer.

These dates were held in February 2025. Please keep an eye on this page for announcements regarding future Enrolment Information Session and Open Day dates in 2026.


Schedule of Fees

Please view Mater Dei School's 2025 Schedule of Fees