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Stations of the Cross 2024

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Blog post

During Mater Dei School’s Liturgy on Holy Thursday, our students watched a collection of short films re-enacting the crucifixion of Jesus, from his condemnation to his entombment – known as the Stations of the Cross.

These shorts stories featured each class at Mater Dei School utilising a range of different costumes, props, and locations around the school to film one of the fourteen Stations. A student voice-over for each station presented a reflection on how Jesus felt and how we may act in a similar situation. Year 12 was given the privilege of performing a live re-enactment of the Last Supper and the final Station during this Liturgy.

This is an important and solemn time in the calendar of the Catholic Church, and students and staff alike reflected on their own journey of Lent through readings, prayer and personal reflection.


You can view the 2024 Stations of the Cross production below. 

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